Holmes Associates


Holmes Associates is a full-service marketing communications consultancy offering:



Cause Related Marketing

Change Management

Community Relations

Crisis Communications/Issues Management

Events Planning and Implementation

Media Relations

Message Development

New Marketing Entry


Public Affairs

Public Education/Social Marketing


Social Media

Spokesperson Training

…and more!

Holmes Associates “best fits” a team and resources to meet client goals and budgets.


Holmes Associates was created from Shelly Holmes’ years as a senior partner in international and regional agencies, overseeing complex clients and multimillion-dollar budgets.

Shelly saw that many clients could be better served with a more flexible, scalable, cost-efficient and results-driven approach than many agencies were offering. This approach allows Shelly to work with organizations in various life cycles and circumstances.

Our Holmes Associates team members have depth, breadth – and vision! They come from large agencies, corporations, newsrooms, startups and more.  They have experience on everything from multimillion-dollar campaigns to quick turn-around projects. Shelly assigns and oversees team members to clients, providing value when and how needed, and allowing for adjustments for the client’s benefit — NOT for billable quotas.  If team members or resources need to change during the course of the engagement to achieve goals, it is done efficiently and to best effect.

Shelly Holmes

Shelly Holmes

As an award-winning marketing communications veteran, Shelly has worked with organizations considered leaders in their class.  She has overseen large budgets, complicated projects, and milestone efforts with companies such as Anthem Blue Cross, Raytheon, TIAA-CREF, DIRECTV, First 5 California, County of LA and more.

She and her teams are experienced in a variety of sectors including healthcare, environment, higher education, consumer products and more.

Beyond Shelly’s large network of communications associates, Holmes Associates has been selected as the Los Angeles/Orange County affiliate for PRConsultants Group, a network in 50 major markets across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada.

Key Partnerships and Value Added

We have associates ready for assignments most anywhere!


Fill out my online form.

Phone: +310 721 8874
E-mail: [email protected]